GHOST : Undetectable Anti-theft / Anti-Hijacking System for HILUX / FORTUNER D4D including Installation (in Cape Town and Lynnwood, Pretoria)
(App Controlled)
Compatible with Petrol and Diesel:
Toyota Hilux D4D 2005-2015, Toyota Fortuner D4D 2005-2015
Simply the very best Anti-Theft and Anti-Hijack system you can possibly have in your vehicle.... and is now available for Toyota D4D Hilux and Fortuner (2005-2015)!
The GHOST system works by completely disabling the accelerator pedal and is controlled from the application downloaded on your Android of Iphone (with an APK available for custom system development for fleet use). The GHOST system cannot be 'cloned' or 'jammed' which are common place in the carparks of South Africa.
The system automatically arms when you are not within close range of the vehicle and it also automatically disarms when you climb into the vehicle (if you have your phone with you). The system connects via bluetooth (not cell phone signal) so works anywhere across the country and regardless of load-shedding.
GHOST also has a secondary fail-safe system in the event that your phone battery dies so your vehicle will always be secure and fully usable. “Service mode”, also allows you to temporarily disarm the system when the vehicle goes in for a service or repairs.
The system connection to an authorised Android or iPhone is secured by your own chosen unique pin, which cannot be changed unless the old pin is known. Take a look at the video in our product gallery to the left.
Undetectable using diagnostics
Undetectable using diagnostics, the modern thief can use diagnostics to detect 'circuit cuts' on modern vehicles. The Ghost has no 'circuit cuts' so cannot be found using these methods.
Stops key cloning and ECU swapping
A thief cannot simply add a new key or replace an ECU to bypass the Ghost.
No radio frequency signals to clone
Thieves cannot use sophisticated RIF scanning, code grabbing technology to detect what security device your vehicle has when it does not transmit any signals like conventional security systems.
Weatherproof device
The Ghost is security-sealed, small and near impossible for a thief to find. The system can also not simply be ripped out of the vehicle.
Silent operation
There is no way a thief could listen for the tell-tale clicking of a traditional immobilizer relay. Ghost is absolutely silent.
Emergency PIN code override
If the phone gets lost or your phone battery dies, there is a secondary fail-safe system to get you going.
Simple PIN code change process
At any time you can easily change the PIN code. Only you will know the unique PIN code for your vehicle.
Service / Valet mode
Service mode allows your vehicle to temporarily start and drive without requiring your phone (perhaps if your car is in for service or repairs). The Ghost will exit this 'service' mode by simply entering the PIN code.
The original wiring harness of the vehicle does not have to be modified in any way.
Price includes all fitment costs in Cape Town or Lynnwood, Pretoria.
The GHOST system is fully ICASA approved.